Writings & Teachings
Recent and Forthcoming Publications
LNG Sales and Trading Contracts in Oil & Gas Contracts, Principles and Practice, 4th edition, Sweet & Maxwell (late 2025)
International LNG contracts (2nd edition), OGEL (late 2025)​
LNG sales agreements: towards commoditization? in The Encyclopaedia of Midstream and Downstream Oil and Gas, 2nd edition, Globe (2023)
The essential evolution of LNG trading – Moving to GTCs in Journal of World Energy Law and Business, Oxford University Press (2018)
Lebanon’s first offshore licensing round and the prospects of deepwater gas developments in Natural Gas Developments: An International and Challenging Legal Framework, OGEL (2015)
Contractual Issues in International Gas Trade with Peter Roberts, in Research Handbook on International Energy Law, E. Elgar Publishing (2014)​
Courses and seminars (representative)
Course Le gaz naturel liquéfié : l'amont et l'aval, les ventes et les autres contrats caractéristiques 2021 (40 heures)
Course LNG: Technical aspects, trade, projects, marketing, contracts and operations 2019 (30 hours)​
​Course Le droit et l'économie du gaz : Cadre juridique et institutionnel, contrats et ventes 2019 (20 hours)
​Course Programme de renforcement des capacités dans le secteur pétrolier Sponsored by the African Legal Support Facility 2019 (20 hours)​
Course LNG terminals, markets and financing 2017 and 2018 (16 hours)
Seminar Evolution in gas and LNG contracts and markets Global Gas Centre, Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro, March 2019
Seminar Arbitration in the LNG Trade Third Annual Arbitration and Investment Forum in the Bahamas, Nassau, 23 January 2015
Seminar LNG Pricing organized by the U.S. Department of Commerce for OGRA (the oil and gas regulator of Pakistan) Singapore, 14 January 2015
Seminar LNG Unchained – New project models for the LNG industry International Gas Union 6th PGC C meeting 2012-2015, Bali, 28 April 2015​